Wynnum Picnic

Tara and Danah were lovely with the littlies and showed them all around the playgrounds. Thanks ladies! ;)
Amanda had made the scrummiest mini banana and choc chip muffins, which the kids just loved. Here's Nick and Kyan having a chat while they eat their muffins.

We also ate fish and chips surrounded by a flock of seagulls (yes, actual birds, not the eighties band). It must be a inbuilt reflex to want to chase the birds away when you are little. No sooner would we say to leave them alone and ignore them, that someone else's child would come past chasing them!
Funnily enough, it turned out that the 'someone else's child' was a little girl from Amelia's preschool. She was thrilled to know someone and they had a little play.
A bit further along, Mia also ran

And what would a bunch of scrapbookers be doing if they didn't all pull out their cameras and take lots of photos of each other and their children??!! I managed some nice photos, but was a little disappointed with a lot, too. Alicia and Amanda had some lovely shots too.
Meanwhile, in scrapbooking world, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! Yesterday was such a busy day!! I had messages, SMS', emails, phone calls, PMs - you name it - to congratulate my winning a section of the A-Z comp. I really appreciate your support and thoughts! The people I've met through scrapbooking are amazing, wonderful ladies!! Thanks.
I've managed to submit my layouts and photographes for the Royal Show (Ekka) and am looking forward to seeing who else entered the scrapbooking. It's a fun time of year with so many competitions and events.
I am still on my "20 Layouts Before Shopping Challenge". I have a crop at Scrapbook City this weekend and I know they've just got in some new papers that I'd like. WHAT to do?? I have only completed EIGHT layouts so far. I was hoping to get a stack done so I could shop on Saturday.... and I've just missed all the sales, too!! Bad time to do a challenge. I guess I needed it though!
This is turning into a much longer post than I expected, so good for you if you've made it to the end!!

I'm so very lucky to have such lovely children and don't like to think of all the nasty things going on in the world that they are growing up in.
Take care.
xx S.