Boy, has it been busy?! Scrapping has come almost to a stand still, although I did go to a crop at Scrapbook City last night. I started four layouts, but didn't finish anything.
There's only two weeks until the Scrapbook City Retreat. I'm teaching a Sketched workshop (or two) and really looking forward to it. I'll be able to share more about that with you after the retreat. :)
So, on Monday, the results for the Royal National Association (RNA) Show will be revealed. We call it the Ekka, here, and it's our state fair, so to speak. I entered a few things this year. Of course, there were the usual twelve or so photos in a few different cateogries, six scrapbooking layouts (four of which are double) and a knitting puppy! Tee hee, yes, I do knit.
I have to be honest, I'm not overly happy with my scrapbooking entries. I really haven't scrapped much lately and I don't usually create double layouts, so I found them a real challenge. Here are some of my entries. Please excuse the VERY poor images and paste on the Wedding Belles layouts.
Double Layouts ~ Wedding

Double Layouts ~ Holiday or Trip

There was also a Single Layout ~ Children section, but I don't remember which layouts I ended up sending for that one. I was debating between a few.
...and here is my knitted puppy. I love this dog and hope they liked him at RNA too. He is so sweet, even if I do say so myself. He is really big. The kids need two hands to pick him up.... when I actually let them touch him. :)

Well, thanks for looking. Wish me luck. I'll let you know how I go when the results are posted on Monday. I'm not hopeful of any prizes... I just like having the competition to push me to actually complete and hand in some work. Kind of like assignments.
xx S.