Haha.... I went to make the post title "Everything's So Busy", but the song title above flowed from my fingers instead. When I was younger, more fit and, of course, thinner, I was part of a theatre group. Towards the end of my years with them, we performed a run of Musical Reviews and my LEAST favourite song we ever performed was "Everything's Coming Up Roses"... it's just so corny!! I don't know where THAT flash back come from!!?!
Anyhoo... just like everyone else, things are so busy here for me. I might have to do a quick dot point summary to catch up, I think.
* My computer seems to be finally working normally - yay!
* I still have to restore all my files and redo a number of backups, but I'm nearly there.
* Today, I finished re-editing Donna & Damien's wedding photos (to come soon). I lost my orginal edit with the old computer. :( Donna has been awesomely patient. I hope they both love their photos.
* My next big task is editing Vonn & Dan's wedding photos. Sorry Vonn, honey, I will be working on them this weekend!
* Amelia is going really well. She is moving toward the end of Year Two and is reading at a mid-Year Three level. She is very good. Her Maths needs a little help, but she is keeping up with her class.
* Christopher is also reading very well. He is heading to the end of Year One and is well into the Year Two level reading. He only just turned six and he reads 70 page Dr Seuss books to Nick every night. I was totally blown away at his recent parent/teacher interview to learn that he is top of his class in most things. We encourage all our kids to do the best they can and to enjoy learning. We've never asked where they come in class and Chris is way too modest to mention he is doing well.
* To sum up Amelia & Christopher, we are so proud that they are trying hard and doing well.
* Nick is still my baby, even at four years old. We are working hard to get him to do his own thing and pull his weight a bit (by putting on his own shoes, dressing himself, etc). He likes John or I to do everything for him. He's too old to be so dependant.
* Nick blows me away, too, though. He is reading and tries to read a little book every night. He recognises a lot of words, but needs a lot of help too. He has his Mummy's maths brain and is very good at using his maths during normal conversation (ie. "but I only have six... if I give one each to Mia & Chris, I'll only have four left!). He makes me laugh.
* John had his sinus operation and is now doing really well. He was so used to being in constant pain that he actually felt better straight away, even though his nose wouldn't stop bleeding.
* My gorgeous
Leish and her family will be home in about eight weeks. Yay! :)
* Next weekend, my in-laws celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary! I am so happy for them and am very sad that I'll miss the big family get-together.
* Next weekend, I'm flying to Sydney to be Matron-of-Honour for my lovely cousin Allyson. This wedding seemed to be so far away... I can't believe it is now only one week away!
* I've been teaching photography and photo manipulation for
Point Shoot Play a little less lately, as I'm so overloaded in every aspect of my life. Check the website for any classes I have coming up, though.
* Point Shoot Play recently went to the A Creative Place retreat at Maleny. We had to much fun and I have heaps of photos to share of the girls. Stay tuned for these!
* Are you still with me? For a quick post, this is turning into a marathon! Thanks for reading.
* Oh, and there's just one more thing....

Take care.
xx S.