I really wanted to keep going with all the Canberra photos, but will have to interupt for a brief magazine catch-up. I've been a bit tardy with adding my published details for my family to read (as a lot of my friends buy the magazines anyway).
This one is a Scrapbooking Memories catch up. :)
Scrapbooking Memories have been absolutely fantastic to me in the past year. I have written a handful of Click & Crop Articles and am now writing Phototech for them. I feel honoured that Kristy (ed.) and the other girls have had faith in my abilities.
Here are a few Click & Crop's I haven't blogged about yet...
Scrapbooking Memories Vol9 No 12 - "These Shoes" - Creating Curves

Scrapbooking Memories Vol 10 No 2 - "Boys Will Be Boys" - Curved Text

Scrapbooking Memories Vol 10 No 3 - "Beautiful" - Clipping Masks

Late last year, I was also asked by Krys at SM to create an alphabet (Scrapabet) and matching paper for the Mother's Day issue of Scrapbooking Memories Vol 9 No 12.

...and was commissioned this digital layout published in SM Vol 10 No 3

Thanks so much to the Scrapbooking Memories team. I love putting together articles for you!!
xx S.